What is defi staking? How to Earn Profit Through Skating?

Defi skating with Celsius

What is Defi staking?

Trends in crypto trading are increasing day by day because of its high profit. Only Binance trading has reported 100 million users on its platform. The reason behind this is a huge price hiking i.e 1000% in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other major cryptocurrencies. In the prevailing scenario, some exchanges have allowed users to borrow stable-coins against a volatile cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. Similarly, you can earn a good interest rate on your crypto holdings as compared to central banks. This is what we call Defi staking or in other words decentralized finance.

Defi staking with CelsiusHow Can I get into Defi?

Though I would recommend joining a crypto community to learn the basics of digital currencies before stepping into this world. However, you can follow the following major steps to get into decentralized finance.

  • Buy any cryptocurrency using fiat currencies
  • To store the digital currency create a software wallet
  • Transfer your cryptocurrency which you have bought using fiat to this wallet
  • After that, transfer your cryptocurrency to the crypto bank from your wallet to earn interest

So, this is the way to get into Defi, however, another question is which platform should I use. In the below paragraph I would answer.

Which is the best platform for Defi staking?

Well, this is one of the most genuine questions. Which platform you should use for lending, borrowing, or meaning interests against your cryptocurrencies? My straightforward answer is to use Celsius Network. This is a peer-to-peer lending company that allows its users to quickly access fiat funds by putting their crypto fund as collateral. Moreover, you can also transfer your fund to this platform to earn a good amount of annual interest. To join this platform click here and start things right away with a $10 free reward.

Why Should I use Celsius Network?

Celsius aims to provide users those services which have been abandoned by the banks. Here I am listing some of the main reasons for using this amazing platform.

  • A free $10 reward upon registration
  • Fair interest
  • Zero fee
  • Quick transactions
  • Financial freedom through crypto

So, if you wanna step into Defi Skating then start it with Celsius.

If more questions are going through your mind then ask in our private Facebook Group.